my account get hacked, waht i can do?
i login in the game and i noted i get hacked, i lost my valorant points in shop ( buyed something) and all the confg are changed, what i can do???????????????????
24 Replies
so your acc got hacked and you got it back but all of your creds are gone?
yes,and the hacker played a comp match, I still didn't use the authenticator with phone number, but now I've put it
change your password. NOW.
so i would contant valorant
see if you can get a refund
wait what
i alread sent a ticket
doing this
just wait for them to respond if they dont send another
just keep sending till u get a response
it might take a little cuz there working on fixing a lot of bugs
ok, thx bro
but idk
dm me if u have other issues
ok ok ;-; thx for help


Is that a “you got banned” message ?
ya, get blocked
look like was a vietian hacker
Did u click on a long from a friend or something ?
I get my pon refund os my points, almost ;-;
mod command only