streaming valorant on discord

why doesnt the stream pick up ingame voice chat? is there a way to make it so my friends that are watching my stream can hear my team talk in game
6 Replies
JSN3y ago
Voice chat is a separate application that launches at the same time as valorant When you stream valorant it only gets audio from the one
3y ago
Unfortunately, the answer you are looking for is No.
Alkhovik3y ago
i think if u stream the screen instead of the game it should but im not sure it does use the riot client for voip and not valorant itself
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
When you stream the whole screen on discord there is no sound on the stream whatsoever
Alkhovik3y ago
i see. then there isnt a way for voip to be shared
3y ago
Unfortunately the answer you are looking for is No

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