42 Replies
ive never seen that
same. its the first
restart ur game
I just did
wait I'll do it again
yea idk
I restarted my entire PC
its launching
You are banned bro 🤣
Afk, leaving, toxic , sabotaging. Can be anything
U got banned for a week i think
Make a support ticket on their website to be sure
Say thst you are banned for a week and dont know why
wth is this
happend to me
well technically it was raining
yes that happpend to me
and I was in unrated match
so idk how Comp was affected
Doesnt matter
Leave or afk in any gamemode wilk result in comp ban
I explained it to them how the internet actually killed it

I even sent a screenshot of the ping last night.
Idk bro go practice dm and unrated
Im Notvivi btw

this is my friends screenshot
Send to them not to me
i cant do anything abt it
bot said
they cant do anything about it atm
did it twice
same message
ig this is wht a valorant request is
just get an automated reply saying they cant figure out the restriction.
Its not automated
I send it twice about false reports and got unbannedf
Just wait it out and dont complain
I'll wait
how long-
so yea
idk how long will it take
but I'll just wait
either valorant support replies or I'll just have to spend 7 days no comp
they told you it was for negative behavior
you’re banned from comp because you’re comm banned
Unfortunately, the answer you are looking for is No.
btw u cant help that glitch
its prolly cuz uve been afk
I also had that! Well just wait, its a ban cuz leaving to many games
you don't have to play comp for it to affect comp
because iirc, if people are continuously afking in unrated, people wouldn't want them to go to comp because whos to say they wont afk there either?
even if it was your internet, vanguard cannot detect that and if it could it could be easily abusable (leaving the game by shutting your internet off)
Yes they are. Support can help you with it but the systems are still automated.
All the messages i got were from real people.
Oh my bad I misunderstood it, I thought you were talking about recieving penalties
No about the tickets haha. Dont worry. Penalties are automated yes
I get it now
Tho its fine
things went well
I dont have a choice but to wait
Banned for doing something, people reported you. All you can do is wait, but at least you have more practice before starting competitive!
I got 300 hours, your so lucky
afk Disconnected ?
Dang broken game
ur banned from comp?
i got 150 hours btw how u got twice as mutch