no comms both (text and voice) while using vpn

My college wifi blocks Valorant, so I generally use Proton vpn to bypass that. After the match starts I turn off the vpn and the game becomes playable at 30-40 ping. But I receive no comms nor can I give comms. Help?
7 Replies
2neg3y ago
guessing here but I’m pretty sure that valorants voice audio comes from like it’s own separate task, which is why other things happen like not being able to hear voice chat over discord screenshares or whatever. I believe that your school may be blocking that itself. your best bet would probably just be use a paid vpn so that you don’t lag and can use comms.
arsh3y ago
my college blocks valo on wifi, they also managed to stop most vpns from working, but i managed to figure out that IKEV2 protocol supported vpns work, and i play with decent ping and no problems
mortgageOP3y ago
@creamyguy what about comms?
arsh3y ago
works 👍
mortgageOP3y ago
@creamyguy can you suggest some vpn options which helps? Also do you play with VPN connected throughout the game or disconnect it after the match starts. (like my ping stays around 300+, if i keep my vpn connected.)
2neg3y ago
use a paid vpn instead of proton
arsh3y ago
Connected I would use windscribe cuz it had an option to choose only some servers(i only needed 2) and pay the minimum (3$ monthly) for it

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