How do I fix this?
I just reached level 20 and I cannot play comp. Can someone help?

11 Replies
Is there perhaps something I'm missing here??
U went afk or disconnected too many times and you got a penalty. Wait for the timer to go away in 140 hrs and u can play
Really? I barely Dc'd or went afk.
Does it still count where if I disconnect and continue back into the game as a disconnect. Speaking of when my game crashes.
People say crashing shouldn’t be met with a penalty but if you’re in the position of having 1 less team member you’d agree
I understand. So if I dc or go afk. Will it add to the count?
Just making sure so I wont have to wait longer than a week or two.
You should probably train your aim during your off time to be ready to jump into Comp and rank up quickly
I see, yeah. Lately I've been only playing unrated since this situation occurred to me recently.
Thanks for the help
No problem
think unrated get in AFK DISCONNITE IS NOT A PROBLEM competivie banned 7days idk