If i afk alot in unrated will i get banned in comp?

My highest penalty is like 10 minutes or i think 30 is it okay or i will be banned?
21 Replies
kritsu3y ago
~amirOP3y ago
"yes" isn't an answer
fropp3y ago
you will be okay but it will be longer like 2 hours
~amirOP3y ago
oh okay i have 8 levels left to 20 i have to sleep thanks and bye
k3y ago
yes it is tf
fropp3y ago
it could mean yes you will get banned or yes it is okay to afk so no yes isnt an answer
k3y ago
“if i afk alot in unrated will i get banned in comp?” nope its common sense yes is an answer @khamamir “The only Agents who will receive harsher penalties, such as game bans, are those who consistently go AFK, queue dodge, or otherwise show a history of bad behavior. If you find yourself with consistent connection issues, /submit a ticket so we can help prevent your next AFK and keep you in the game.”
ASIAN3y ago
If people report you, yes.
gomst3y ago
even if people don't report you going afk gives you a warning message
ASIAN3y ago
Yes, but reporting will make you're ban way longer than usual. Unless you afk like crazy
fropp3y ago
description exist for a reason that is just a title
k3y ago
no shit, the title is the general question💀💀 ^
lrpc13y ago
It depends on how long ur were afk
Metal3y ago
yeah you can get ranked ban for weeks or even account ban for AFK
James3y ago
You should not AFK regardless of it being comp or not
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Yes you will banned for 160 hours in comp Maybe permanent ban if you afk a lot in a day
Aeronuy3y ago
Guys why did RIOT perma ban my account! It said I used a 3rd party software and then my account got perma banned.. EVEN THOUGH I NEVER DOWNLOADED NOR USED A 3rd party. Its unfair I never did anything and all my skins are lost
fropp3y ago
idk real
k3y ago
submit a ticket to riot and explain this to them
U2353y ago
dude one of my friends got banned for 100 hours because his laptop overheated X_X in comp
Monkie3y ago
Once i got banned for 300 something hours bcs my internet was fucking up

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