How do I win more games please help
I team mvp[ and match mvp every once in a while and feel like i always lose them. I go positive most of my games and still lose a lot. I just wanna get out of elo hell but I seem trapped help

27 Replies
play for winning rounds and not getting kills
this will guarantee you more wins
huh Reyna main I see?
Spectre and crouch
or odin and ult
Yep! Every game totally don’t buy vandal every round my favorite guns r Bucky Odin and specter!
I play sage breach and Reyna I play best with Reyna rn so I am playing her
I do I never rush into their spawn on bomb and just play bomb on attackers I’m not a lurk insta lock Reyna who baits his teammates I play to win but my teammates play for kills and I end up staying back and having to clitch after they push cuz it’s a 4v2
I would try Vandal or at least Phantom. What is your hs% if I can ask?
can you use comms to tell your teammates your plans?
Just play ive gone from s1 to g2 in 2 weeks
And i played reyna aswell
It was a joke…
Like 17-20%
I do I say just play bomb all the time I mostly have to say it 3-4 times for it go to their heads and not push their spawn
I also comm every game/round of what I see and when I die I say “agent location damage”
Imagine not only Bucky
Yeah I'm not sure then. Do you have friends to play with? Are you comfortable with other people on the Valorant Discord Community playing with you? Look for a duo, or maybe a 5 stack if you're lucky.
@seaweedbraens focus on winning the round instead of going for kills. Reyna is a very good agent for getting kills so you might overheat alot and die for no reason which could result you in losing the round. You should play with the team and for instance play post plant after planting the spike instead of chasing down the remaining enemies. You can also try using an agent who has more impact towards the team. This may result in you getting fewer kills but you will probaly win more rounds
you’re not dropping enough kills to carry on an agent that’s basically meant to carry. it’s an 18-19 round game and you have 19 kills. you’re averaging a kill a round on an agent meant for multi kills. you play an agent that benefits nothing to the team besides being able to multikill, and then you average a single kill a round. reyna is an agent you should be playing if you know you’ll frag out and carry, and she serves that purpose well. you’re not in elo hell you’re just in the rank you deserve
i am not very far off compared to u in ranked, but from what I have learnt, mvp dosent matter, nor does how many kills u have. Team play seems to get me more wins, you know, like using comms lol.
5 stack or duo que
I was hj
So if I’m reading rn I should get more kills but not focus on it because I should focus on winning games and my kills don’t matter?
no, you should play a normal agent
you're playing a agent you should be carrying on
if you're not going to be carrying a lot of the time you shouldnt be playing it
and 15-20 kills in 20 rounds is not carrying, thats a normal game, so if you're gonna play reyna, stop being bad, or play a different agent that helps your team in otherways, as said best by sova " If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful.... ", as in, playing another agent
maybe try one of these?
maybe breach if you like playing more agro
however you get 19 kills a game is astonishing, but try dif guns
my fault then
A lot of people think Reyna isn't the best "team" play agent, which is true. What they are basically saying is because you're teammates aren't "good" enough to support you, support yourself with a more "team" playing agent.
Wish I could help but I’m iron 2 lmao
I’d die to be in gold, you seem pretty solid rn
It’s so funny val players cannot take a joke rlly think I odin every round 🤣
I do as much to help my team as Reyna
I blind in site and push get a pick and play bomb@when down
I mostly use my blinds for team unless I need them for myself
There are just characters that have more synergy with teams. You obviously seem very good, but maybe try another character for a change? Doesn't even have to be comp, try unrated and get a feel for different characters.
Ik I used to main sage but felt hard stuck around silver 2 I tried Reyna cuz all my mains were blocked and popped off most games I play w her I do pretty good I carry every once in a while and ranked up to gold pretty fast
to be fair ur reyna every game and maybe if ur not winning with reyna play a diff class
^ ig
They said they don't go for kills though
better advice: dont go for help in a public discord of valorant where most people are sivler/gold and probably just vod review or pay for coaching
I believe if he would have the money he woudnt come to this place, but i agree with you.
Honestly just play more
I solo que to immo and i know theres a lot of win and lose streak on the way
A alot of pain and suffering TwT but you'll get there just pray you get good team more often
get a better agent pool