Not updated DriversSoftware

So my game has been freezing a little and my drivers and software aren’t up to date but I don’t know where to update them and it looks like this:
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14 Replies
bernie2y ago
Anyone know where I can update them?
Xmanb2y ago
which gpu do u have? i mean model
bernie2y ago
Wdym Of like a driver ? Is amd trusted
eko2y ago
my game freezes alot but I dont wanna update with windows 11 cause it breaks everytime
bernie2y ago
I don’t have windows 11 but I’ve heard it isn’t good Also it says my Radeon drivers an software aren’t up to date and I don’t know where to go I don’t know if this is the right place
bernie2y ago
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bernie2y ago
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Xmanb2y ago
like Radeon 6700 XT could be right.
bernie2y ago
Should I download the auto install So it just automatically does it when I need a new one No I checked on my files it something else
Xmanb2y ago
ya you can try that and if it fails we find your gpu name and find the correct drivers ofc it would be XD i was giving example of how it would look like
bernie2y ago
Oh well yeah I can’t be on pc rn sense i have school and stuff just getting rdy for tomorrow I know where to get it so I find which one it is and install it? I would do it just worries about virus and stuff
Xmanb2y ago
look u will never get virus if you are installing from their official website
bernie2y ago
The amb one?
Xmanb2y ago
yea amd