Valorant on crash loop everytime I load into game
Everytime I load into a game, after about 1-3 minutes, my valorant closes, and keeps restarting and loops. I have no idea how to fix it. Originally, it was everytime I loaded into a game the second I loaded into the game it crashed, then I fully reinstalled windows, installed drivers, tried on different drives, and keeps happening. Any help would be appreciated idk where to go from here
10 Replies
thats a first ?
ive never heard of that happening
what do you mean by loop?
It started about 2-3 weeks ago. I was almost positive it was an issue with my hardware, so I brought to geek squad and they did a diagnostic and my ram was dead. I bought a new set of 32gb 3600 ram, everything was good passed the test. I bring home pc, and the same valorant issues keep happening. So then I think my windows was corrupted, and I reinstall a fresh version of windows, and now its a little bit better in the sense that it lets me join a game but automatically crashes after about 1-3 mins
Uhmmm loop as in like it literally crashes and automatically reopens valorant and keeps crashing
until i go into task manager and stop it from looping @lolboltz
hold on
any help would be appreciated lol idk what to do
ive never heard of that issue
yeah same
nor has google
no idea how to fix it
literally played this game since beta and have never had an issue like this
give me a little bit
ill try and figure it out
anyone have any idea
@blakeeh try running it as administrator
i did that