is the game bugged?
it keeps lagging and now in game it’s switching me to my other weapons mid fight like ?????
9 Replies
there may be a network problem. you can graph your latency and packet loss using the settings under Settings/Video/Stats. You'll want to graph your network RTT and packet loss.
Ur packet loss should be 0 at all times after freeze time (it may go positive for a sec right when a round starts). If you find the game bugging out when the packet loss graph is non-zero, then you need to figure out why your packets are being delayed enough for the server to send ur client rollbacks.
i’m guessing if there’s packet loss it’s my internet not the game
Hey, anything could be causing packet loss, and there are some cases where it could be on Riot, but you gotta turn on those graphs to even prove it's packet loss.
@spiderm2n turn on packet loss (total)
the stat, I have a feeling it might be that
it’s total is just 6 but it’s still in game swapping me to my classic or knife
Try graphing the packet loss and seeing if spikes coincide with the weird weapon switching.
it’s stayed on this whilst the weapon switching

i’ve had to unbind the scroll weapon thing for now
Think you found it. And nice. Tbh, turning off scroll wheel for weapon select will help you in games where weapon select works differently.
For example, if you get used to scroll wheel switching and try out CS, it'll be hella annoying.
For example, if you get used to scroll wheel switching and try out CS, it'll be hella annoying.