Changing Language
Guys ı really like to do my game japanese but when ı try to change language it's only changes the titles not voiceses do u guys know why ?
7 Replies
restart val
ı tried that not works
i see
did you change the language in game or on the valorant launcher menu
you can just sign out, then on the menu where it tells u to log in, u can change the language in the settings there make sure to restart the client tho
yeah i tried when ı change language only this things dowloads

ı don't see the normal text packs and auido pack
Isn't there a separate setting for dubbing?
give me a second
no there isn't
normally when u change
you got two packs in the file
one is text the other one is auido
but now ı don't have the text one
even though ı change it to japanese
audio pack is english