valcord puzzle event

so like uh for the anagram, morse code, and caesar shift can i write it on a note? and then i'll ss and upload the image in imgur
8 Replies
eko3y ago
theres a google form on the website you have to fill out when you finish called Write Your answers or sthing
kireiiOP3y ago
yeah ik, but it says we need to upload the image in imgur and then give the link so what i ask is for the image only upload the crossword part and for the other 3 puzzles we just need to write it on g-form right?
eko3y ago
I have no clue wait for someone else or look for old posts
kireiiOP3y ago
ok bro wait wbu
eko3y ago
I only did the crossword then got bored
Nêmesis3y ago
4 and 5
DT| SkylarLilith 🎗
I took screenshots of all of them once they were complete and uploaded it
kireiiOP3y ago
nc idea but can i write the answers only

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