how do i get higher fps i am constant at the 18-29 mark
how do i get higher fps i am constant at the 18-29 mark
32 Replies
the game is unplayable like this
@deidara1259 use 720p and close all other tabs
i already play without google chrome or with any browsers open
what do you mean by 720p though
@deidara1259 specs?
go into settigns, and chose lowest ????x??? resoultion

this is the lowest resolution, are there no ways to make it bigger it's hard to see like this

do you have a dedicated gpu?
choose fullscreen
instead of windowed
and turn all graphics to low
is there a way to check
everything is already on it's lowest including anti-alias
wouldn't fullscreen consume more ram which inevitably leads to more lag?
ctrl, shfit, esc
not how it works
it just
makes one pixel fill more space
its bassically
pouring water into a bigger cup
task manager pulled up
same amount of water
i see
more details
then performance

hold on i need to open google

this is with valorant open
GeForce 940
why is it not being used?
it is
when u alt tab it stops
are you plugge into the wall or not?
like the computer?
is it a laptop?
or desktop?
not a laptop
that makes sense
so, you need to be plugged into the wall for more fps
or itll use the cpu
i am plugged in the wall though
you’re talking about the cable right
connected with the mains electricity
yes i am plugged
search GeForce 940 valroant benchmarks
https:// www. youtube. com/ watch? v=8uj04pSD6dM
the calculatir?

what’s this benchmark supposed to mean