Custom HUD

Me and my friends play and stream some small tournament-like games and I have the role of the caster. Is there a way to get a HUD similar to that used in, for example, the VCT where it says the loadout and all that like the one in the picture? Thanks in advance!
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7 Replies
landy3y ago
Make your own
EmeraldOP3y ago
How tho I found it on reddit
landy3y ago
Photo editor
EmeraldOP3y ago
Yeah it's easy to make it in a photo editor but then how do I hook it up to show the loadouts and credits in real time
sai3y ago
doubt, riot hasnt publicly released the APIs for val so it'll be hard to make a custom overlay (huds) people have received cease and desist letters bc they made HUDs without contacting riot beforehand, so if the tournament is not official then it's not KEKWSMILE
EmeraldOP3y ago
oh ok thanks!

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