lag spikes in client fps
i have an rtx 3080 ti and an i7 12700k and am getting lag spikes from 200 fps to 50 fps... pls gelp
69 Replies
Make sure your windows is up to date, all your drivers too. Close other unnecessary applications running in the background, make sure ur pc is correctly assembled or not.
If these things didnt turn out to be helpful, then it might be the game problem.
are there any programmes that could be an issue for valorant ?
check your dedicated gpu
for valorant
check the gpu that valorant uses
like which one
if its the integrated graphics or the 3080
my 3080 goes up to 60% and my igpu sits around 2%
go to your graphics settings
and make sure that valorant is set to high performance

yhe thats set to let windows decide and it's high performance
i'll go look in graphics setting
these are my setting

i meant windows settings
search graphics settings in your search bar
in start

what is your max fps set to in valorant
it's set to 200 fps
try turning vsync on
and tell me how much fps you get
playing 2k resolution but normally my pc should be able to handle it xp
did you turn vsync on
i get from 200 fps and spikes all the way down to 60 just minor spikes witch are noticeable while playing
turn it on
isnt vsync a scam xp
it decreases your fps but also lowers the amount of fps drops
did you try it
now i'm stuck at 138 fps but still get tiny drops
are the drops major?
like how low do they go
would i see a difference in a practice game vs a real online game ?
not really
bcus in practice i'm not getting drops even without vsync
let me try a real game xp
still getting drops even with vsync
just suddently going down to 70 fps
i also heard that the 30 series cards are not optimized for valorant ?
not necessarily
do you have geforce experience installe
check if your drivers are all up to date
is up to date
if lowering your graphics doesn't work then im sorry but i cant help
and my gpu is only at 60% xp
idk why buit the fps randomly drops to low fps for a brief mopment and that makes me not be able to shoot right š¦
are there maybe apps that conflict with valorant
do you have apps open when playing
duh xo
what apps

holy shit
what ?
thats 3 times more apps i have in the background lol
hhahaha i mean i need most of them
lol ok i understand
idk if one of these may be interfering with valo
probably not
an laptop even has stabler fps then me š
sorry that i couldnt help you
@.vay24 bro got everything opened and then complains why fps lags like why tf u need steam opened while playing valorant
Turn off unnecessary things
Iike the razr app, steam, chrome, and many apps that idek lol
U have voicemod installed too
i need vocemod open and chrome xp
idk why this would matter if these apps do not interfere with the game.
It does
It takes ram on ur pc
Less ram leads to slow and laggy gameplay
even with 32 gb
The more ram u have the more ram the apps consume
I hace 8gb ram and valorant consumes like 2.5gb
So if u see on ur pc with 32gb ram with valorant running youll see valorant is taking more than what its taking on my device
I'd suggest u to either get ur pc checked if this lag happens in all of your games and if its only valorant then idk what to do tbh
Haha xp it's only valorant for what I see XP but thx for the info on ram usage
What are those programs & check your taskmanager which program is sucking up all your performance

setting your power plan to razer cortex might've caused it
change it to balanced