Gold lobbies as s1 lmao

why the actual frick am i getting into gold lobbies as silver 1? ive been half through s1 4 times and poof next 2 games bots and smurfs in all my games, just wasted 1 hour of my life playing against g2 jett as s1 in my firdt round of the day and lost 20 rr, is ther even a way to actually rank up? im only seeing myself getting worse and worse the more i play lmao. this ranked system is pure garbage why cant anyone just make it a litttle bit better, if ur already going with mmr and all stuff why would u take me into a gold lobby or am i the only one with a brain
1 Reply
Crepes3y ago
I think it is because you have high mmr, like I'm b3 and I usually get people that were plat previous acts, but I just try to make it to overtime, also you should try to get into 5 stacks if it is truly impossible to rank up, and who knows, maybe you can get funny moments with your friends!

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