How can I make a new account in other regions?
I'd like to play with friends <3
11 Replies
You don't need to, just change the server I thinl.
make a new riot acc whilst with vpn on
make sure vpn is on the region u want to play on
how do I get other vpns free?
u can use tunnelbear, its free and u can select what regions
That works?
I made the 2nd account without this knowledge so now I think that acc is the same region as my current
I want to change it to NA tho
I have friends there lol
oh yea u need vpn if u wanna do that
I sent Riot a ticket
oya i think they can do that for u
They say they're getting a lot of requests so I gotta wait
But my league on the same Riot acc is NA lol I play with my friends there then how did valorant not transfer that