match mvp but loosing
I am s1 and getting placed with low silver high bronze and match getting match mvp but loosing but on my alt which I made to see what rank I would actually be I am getting into high gold low plat lobbies and not doing bad
50 Replies
Do I get placed in higher rank lobbies if this happens
Or do I just deal with it
Ur skill group is based on more than just win or loss, esp in lower skill groups. If you play really well, and it's a close loss, ur skill group may even be rising. You will need to win for your visible rank to go up tho, but if your skill group has been rising in the background, and you win a match you'll gain a lot of rank rating.

this is what the lobby looks like
im playing sage for lords sake
(im usally a battle sage)
and then we have my on my alt

how abt making your alt your main lol
i have bought around $215 worth of skins
Sadly, you gotta convert at least some of those high kill games to wins, or you won't climb much.

i have a problem
i know

I spent 31 dollars but only bought battlepass skins lol
these are only my vandals

tbh, this is the trap of free to play. BUT you could duo with players who share your skill level to get those wins. When you start winning, your skill group will raise and you'll rank up.
you could also just play reyna or an agent that's supposed to be getting lots of kills and seek out engagements first.
i was bouta say that
Reyna is a pretty good agent
but all of my friends are either in high play or low bronze
i used to main her
but instalocks suck
and i cant get her 100% of the time
friends in game aren't necessarily friends in real life. Just when a match is complete, friend up with players who aren't throwing. Eventually your friend list will be massive.
I have 71 friends on Valorant
and if i dont get sage then i either resort to reyna jett or skye based on the other players
DO NOT FILL in Bronze/Silver.
i dont fill
i just am good at lots of agents
I lost a game because I filled
Im so bad with smokes
i HATE playing smokes
Just confirming. If you fill you're settling for some rando playing an agent you're better at.
I only play Brimstone on Pearl because I have a lineup lol
i usally wait around 7 secs to see if anyone instalocks
and then i choose my charecter (usally sage)
or i could queue up with this guy

(this is a joke for legal reasons)
esp in that low elo account, just pick who you're best at every match. only fill if you have no controller.
but gawd dayum

there was even one legend who got an account to iron 1, and got it to immortal 3 in one stream with no breaks lol
anyways what rank r u?
iitztimmy. took him like 50 hours or so. he even got banned from all the reports part way through, but they unbanned him.
just plat 2. don't play much anymore.
yah; there's a youtube video somewhere.
ima try and get a duo rq
Oh I guess Youtube links aren't allowed in this channel. Oh well. Just search iitztimmy and he edited his VOD.