Google link to open riot client not showing up
Hi! I've been trying to log into an account recently but the google link won't show up. any fixes?
22 Replies
Like how, say choose a account or?
To open riot client
it just doesnt show up anymore
im gonna try and send a picture
Sent a dm

link should be above it
but there is no link
i migh tbe able to fix it
Uhh, you tried looking if your Google on your pc/Laptop opened on its own?
Have you?
it didnt work
no it hasnt opened it on its own
it usually goes ontop of google
Damm,did you reinstall it today that you have to sign in again or?
i can try and reinstall google
or open it with another account and sign out of my main one
let me try both
No no!
Dont try and reinstall Google
i tried a different account
You will need to reinstall the game
the link showed up, but it did nothing
i may need to reinstall riot client
I am a IT guy, and a bit game developer
the desktop icon for it is just paper
I did it and it work for me

Okay, now delete it in epic games
In library and reinstall
I will be offline now, just dm me how things are going
Will be back online over 10 mins or 12mins