Unjust Ban

Just got banned after opening the game for the first time in over a year what should i do to reinstate my account? I have never hacked in valorant
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4 Replies
Kris3y ago
You can try contacting player support @ https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests
StrOyeR3y ago
Maybe it's because of using Windows 11. (Nah, it may not be but they statet that valorant doesn't support windows 11 yet. For some it may work but there are a lot of people that have issues.) Remember that if you ever get unbanned and the if the game still wouldn't work. But it seems like you cannot get unbanned in this acc since they already said in the ban that you cannot reverse this ban.
James3y ago
VALQuestion If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us. If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045619633-Error-Codes-in-VALORANT.

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