My valo acc got suspended permanently
it is showing that my acc got permanently suspended because of third party applications. can i get my acc back?

67 Replies
Sadly, no.
Nope. You, cheater, got what you deserve. You should play fair play -> without cheats
i never cheated
idk why i got suspended
i havent played for the last 6 months
i want to play now
but i cant because of this
Third party software -> using app which is illegal to use due Valorant rules
i never did use any app tho
this shit so bad
is buff illegal?
I dont know because I am not using it.
Ask valorant support
Maybe someone used your account with cheats
i had all agents unlockedd bruhhh
i am making a new acc but
So contact valorant support
how do i contact
Riot games takes third party software very seriously, even if its not cheats they will ban you
unless you can prove its not hacks to them and then stop using it you might get unbanned
to support of course
can u help me?
how do i contact them
go on their support website or something
i never cheated bruh
k i went then?
idk ive never done it

u probably just have to contact them to try and appeal the ban
account recovery probably
like how tf do we contact
submit a request from here
and try sending them proof that it wasnt hacks and then tell then you wont use that software again
highly unlikely your account will be recovered but give it a shot
i cant make new acc?
you can make as many new accounts as you want
wait even after i got suspended
no one said you couldn’t
i can make new acc?
i tried but

this happened
it said on the image this action will not be reversed
the suspension is only tied to one account
so i think u cant get ur account back
not your ip or whatever
just wait, servers are probably overloaded atm
if the problem still persists, you can contact support about that

thx for all of ur help
It's never by IP anyways, it's by hardware
So i cant make a new acc on the same hardware
Only if you are hardware banned
I can make acc if this is my case right?
if cheats were used then no
cheating bans are hwid bans, where the pc parts you own are blacklisted from valorant. they reset after 3-4 months, and then you can make a new account
your first account will stay perm banned however
oh ok
i did not cheat
so yeah
btw i used buff
is that a third party app?
sometimes spotify too
buff possibly but id lean on doubting it
not spotify
ahh thts why
its a mining software no?
anyways i uninstalled buff a long time ago
trying to make acc
im unsure but assuming you have no other third party softwares ur not telling us about, it prolly was it
making another account will not help you if youre hwid banned
youre just gonna get val error code 152 when you load up
im not lying
i created acc
but all my agents
you could still prove you werent cheating on that account
nah im good
at least i get to play
i mean make sure u can even play
how can i prove?
uh im not sure id talk to their support and ask them
hmm i created acc its loading
u used some kind of cheat on valorant
u wont get unbanned
hi guys
its total illegal bro i mean its sponsered with valorant😆
its a software which for playing games nd completing mission like kill 3 people in competitive , it give riot points nd othjer games potints
Submit a ticket to appeal your ban we can't help you here