I'm level 36 and I keep getting queued with level 150+. Why?

I do continuously get MVP but since I get queued with high levels I keep losing.
31 Replies
ceb3y ago
Trust me iv been with worse, iv been matched with level 1 while i am 180, Levels dont matter This game has MMR, You play good MMR goes up, you play bad MMR goes down So for example if your MMR is 69, and a gold rank player has MMR 69 or 70, then you both will be queued to the same game
BatmanOP3y ago
How do I check MMR
mihari3y ago
You can't. MMR is hidden its not viewable by the player.
BatmanOP3y ago
Does Unrated MMR change competetive MMR Like if ur good at unrated and fight against pro unrated players does that mean a good unrated player has to fight good comp players even tho he doesnt play comp
mihari3y ago
MMR is only for competitive. MMR is decided through placement games. If your MMR is high like dia-asc and your gold your more likely to get a double rank up. MMR is sometimes why you gain a little but lose a lot.
BatmanOP3y ago
Can you double Rank up with 1 placement match?
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
if its a new act than im pretty sure yes
BatmanOP3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
but you can also just double rank up in general by being good
BatmanOP3y ago
NKplayz3y ago
I know a lot of high levels like 150 or 200 that are still bronze and silver
BatmanOP3y ago
im talking about unrated
NKplayz3y ago
Well yeah, you level 36 and are silver can get matched with people that are lvl 150+ that are also silver
Unrated is just matching with different ranks Could be high or low ranks Once again as the name suggests it’s unrated And levels don’t really matter
BatmanOP3y ago
So that means I can be queued with radiants, imoos and ETC Unrated also is based of my rank?
yes you could No You can be lvl 1 q’d with lvl 100’s it’s unrated that’s why
me3y ago
Your skill level is recorded separately based on how you perform in each matchmake game mode (every game mode where you ask the game for a lobby and wait before agent select). The rank you see in the competitive game mode is a second, sorta related thing that sorta moves with ur skill level, but way slower. The hidden skill level isn't the same as the rank you see tho. Lobbies are made based only on this hidden skill level. And account level has nothing to do with how lobbies are made.
BatmanOP3y ago
So thats means if i play good in unrated, I will be put in the lobby with the same skill level as me on comp? @meeeee
me3y ago
Unrated is completely unrelated to comp after you unlock comp. But the game measures everyone's skill level separately in each game mode. So someone could be just throwing in unrated and play against newer players if they wanted to. Also, in unrated therere no restrictions on who can be in a party. So you could find that one person on a team is way better than everyone else on that team. There isn't much that the game can do here.
BatmanOP3y ago
Sooo, If I play shit at comp and really good in unrated, I will be put up againt shit people in comp
me3y ago
Yup. And if you play poorly in unrated before you unlock competitive mode, ur initial skill rating will be low when you first play competitive. But after u unlock competitive, they're completely separate.
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
level means nothing brother, the level just reflects how much you play instead of your actual skill no, Unrated has its own MMR, its separate from ranked. Most people MMR will hit the same number after a while tho
me3y ago
This isn't 100% accurate. Even with accurate MMR, a premade could cause a skill disparity. The max rank disparity for premades in unrated doesn't exist.
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
Well that is true
me3y ago
Plus it costs 5 minutes to make a new account and queue unrated, so MMR isn't really accurate there. This inaccuracy ripples since the game may adjust ur MMR based on the low initial MMR of a radiant opponent who just made their account, tanked the tutorial, and dominated you.
Just play as you normally would You’d meet people with a similar skill level as you in your rank (unless you’re smurfing or whatver)
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
you need to be lvl 20 tho to be ranked
me3y ago
You may need to re read my message carefully. Just another reason why there could be a skill disparity in unrated.
Jcallister3y ago
My mic is showing cross
NKplayz3y ago
Make your own post, people are not likely to reply to you in here
k3y ago
level doesn’t mean anything💀

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