Game freeze on high graphics
Whenever i chose high graphics on val it freezes immeadietly, and if i dont use high graphics, everytime i swing i will lag. Plz help
10 Replies
What do you need help with? The freeze on high graphics or the lag in low graphics?
its probably because you have a potato pc
Just lower ur graphics you fuckin genius
I have the same issue and I have a desktop and it’s good and I use low graphics and it freezes mid gunfight
thats a pc problem, i had it but i just reinstalled val
also could be caused by ur ram
Is the ram drivers
I figured out I have to update the Radeon drivers but I don’t know where to update them

Do you know where to update the drivers
The Radeon AMD ones
what are your specs? also if you have updated all your drivers
I think its ryzen master?