should i leave my duo
should i leave my duo i think hes the reasojn i am not going up in ranks

27 Replies
Dude. You're 16 and 13. I might be silver. But lemme share a bit of info.
If you and your friend are having fun and your ONLY concern is ranking up and don't care about the good times you're having with your friend, you're holding yourself back.
We all wanna hit immortal.
But dropping people just because "you're just not at my level" is one of the shittiest things you can do.
I queue with Iron 1 and 2 players on the regular. Hell, my wife is iron 1. But I'm not gonna not queue with her because I'm better.
its depend on ur opinion,if u wanna get higher and higher in comp,u should play alone or with a better duo,or u want to get higher with u duo,u should you should be patient to let them develop their skills
funny thing im his duo and im better than him and this is just my bad day so i went 10/12
hes also demotivating everyone and throwing when he loses smth like 3 rounds
bro lmao
yea 1 thing tho
hes my friend for 8 years and i dont rlly have anyone else to duo with
idk dude
he just being a dck lately
he said hes like that cuz "i have no game sense"
stupid asf
it was my bad day tho
1st game after 1 death match
yh ikr
he just mentions my kd and says that im worse
i have that kd cuz i werent there where enemies were for most of the game
i couldve overfragged him if i was
i was just holding flank
well we argued and imma not play w him until he apologizes
so ig we wont duo tommorow
he wont last long without me cuz im his only good friend
probably will do
lmfao i will slap down some hard truth on you buddy
the only reason you arent going up in ranks is cause you are simply not good enough
if you can at minimum semi consistently mvp then sure

u got some tips on ranking up?
Dont just play the game, learn the game
If aim is a issue look up a few routines that you do every day
if gamesense is maybe listen to high elo players break down certain plays
so on on
on yt ?
Yeah there are a few youtubers that "react" to clips / games so maybe you get some insight into them
across the ranks there is some consistency but the higher you go the more you use your prefrontal cortex
you could prolly get low asc with pure aim
Whoβs ur duo
The sova is his duo apperantly
still find it fucking hilarious
gold silver plat elo is all the same
Heβs 10-12 πππ
Well id say just teach ur duo if heβs not dumb (I assume he is in your perspective)
Whats your opinion
well im in a middle of the game rn
ill respond later
nah im not dumb
it was 1st game of the day after 1 deathmatch and i was doing decent
after 1 bad game he decided that im bad and started posting this shit π
bro you shouldn't play together for a while or else you don't want the relationship to get worse
i mean he already apologized
apology as big as an essay
oh lmfao
I have a friend who has been playing with me for 6 years and since we started having conflicts when playing games, and now we only message on facebook, we dont meet together in life or in games anymore
solve the conflict together, not talk bad to anyone else, don't be like me π¦
ur supposed to have fun while you play valorant
the whole point of a game : /
fr its called a game for a reason.