can we get options to remove people from matches if they really ruining the game

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98 Replies
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
add a function to at least remove people from our game so we can stop fucking throwers and toxic people
certified lover 1
unlucky matchmaking tbh find people who can stack with you
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
i am stacked ffs man hes just so fucking annoying and we cant do anything
Juhith3y ago
then dont play with him?
certified lover 1
a solution would be to mute and just play normally
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
hes giving away our positions and taking spike but we won in the end lmao bro is crazy withi the op idk y bro started helping us
certified lover 1
he wants to win
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
hes not hes on his friends acc but everyone reported him
certified lover 1
probs boosting but had enough
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
death threats, some random transphobic shit idk, called our omen a racial slur, leaked our positions, took spike and hogged it, and just being toxic in general then bro suddenlly gave up cuz enemy team still lost despite him throwing they lost like 5 rounds in a row while phoenix was flashing us, burning us and giving away positions man just gave up and started popping off
certified lover 1
he probs wanted to throw a different match
3y ago
lmao thrower partys would just abuse it
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
mute then report
3y ago
usman3y ago
chad imo
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
muting doesnt do shit when they give away ur locations lmao
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
yeah ik that it was more meant for this "death threats, some random transphobic", thats why u also report
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
reported and i think bro got banned idk it was an annoying match tho locations kept getitng leaked
𝐀𝐫𝐢 ✩ ᨐฅ
I KNOW RIGHT MUTING DOESNT DO SHIT I remember someone once asked me to mute them multiple times, when I kept telling them to just fucking behave, since muting won't change their behavior. Ended up reporting the fucker of course
ᴠɪɪ✧3y ago
I hate these people THEY CANT WAIT FOR THEM TO BE ALIVE AGAIN and the yhave the ✨Audacity✨ to do that
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
muting doesnt do shit why dont we get options to kick out people from the game or end matches or smth cuz it aint fair or no elo loss
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
or stupid afks or trolls we lose like 24 rr cuz we get shit on
𝐀𝐫𝐢 ✩ ᨐฅ
and u can only ff once a half why not twice or something (hehe stan twice) (ok sry)
3y ago
lol tbh just mute them + report u tanking their behavior doesnt do shit
𝐀𝐫𝐢 ✩ ᨐฅ
yeah I guess in the end they should deal with their shit themselves I just like to confront ppl and put them in their place
Koharu ミ
Koharu ミ3y ago
This is pretty difficult, as one, if they do manage to implement votekicks in-game, the same people who ruin the game, could group together and votekick innocents. This is the type of thing which is hard to control, and the only viable solution is to just report the player.
Adi_01493y ago
i do agree toxic ppl spoil the game but then wouldn't 1 team be insanely strong if they lose a player?
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
doesnt matter i'd rather get rid of a thrower than have one
Adi_01493y ago
true tat
3y ago
thrower partys would abuse it imagine a thrower 3 stacks what do u do then imagine u 3 stack
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
You wanna know what would fix this WHOLE situation Lessen the rr loss for afks or throwers Maybe like a vote kick typa thing
ShadowBlade3y ago
shit like this only happens on rankup games fr tho
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
exactly its so bad because people will kick random people people kick people for no reason they cant moderate what reasons for kicking people and answer / approve them all oh true and theres no way riot could lessen the stuff for throwers but they could for afks if you have to ff because of it
mtakina3y ago
Don’t be toxic to toxic people
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
or derank games i lost 20 rr cuz someone trolled and went afk first round and came back to vote no on remake and each time we tried to ff derank btw
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Same I lost 29 rr when I may h mvped bc of tryna throw
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
51/10 and i lost cuz of thrower phoenix
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
BRO SAME LITTERALLY 49-19 Legit place s2 when peaked g2 and first game on I get insta lock harbor thrower
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
dude i ge tthese guys eveyr comp game thats why i quit comp always a guy whos afk who trolls who instalocoks but is shit who sabotages toxicity etc while the other team has good players
SenseiNotHere3y ago
This is a good idea but, since they punish AFK players, because it ruins experience, I dont think they would do that.
3y ago
????????? the afk came back to vote no? that doesnt even make sense] thats not possible
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
They afk, but move a little bit but then when we try to surrender he's still moving so they can't surrender It happens way to much
3y ago
that has literaly never happened to me lmao
Tamparari3y ago
Bro thinks it's Black Squad xd
3y ago
ᴠɪɪ✧3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Average Phoenix main Phoenix main/Reyna main/Jett main/Raze main are all trolls If you have a instalock duelist in your team just dodge
3y ago
u said reyna twice lmao nice one average duelist hater fyi i main raze and skye but its just funny wht u said
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Instalock duelists have bad aim and that's a fact Always get carried by controllers/sentinels/intiators on the team While u guys quit the match in 9th round with 2-18 kda ratio arent you iron 2 it should happen alot in low elo lmao Litterally every throw is a phenoix That dude is a iron 2 💀 Lmao he shouldn't even deserve to have this convo with us I am Immortal 1 Fax 📠 bro im plat :C lmao fr I was talking about that iron kid named Star oh lmaoo yeah
3y ago
no? lmao what wasnt u be silvr
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
? what lmao
Juminary3y ago
soft person take
ASIAN3y ago
I mean it's all you can do.With kicking people off, people can troll and such. lol too true
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
The game loves to be the worst on rankup games like i would rather go through 12 years of school then have a thrower on my team on rankup game
3y ago
i thought ur silver
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
im not
K1ngsir3y ago
well it just a game you cant really do much so muting and reporting may not help your match but at least you can chill down
3y ago
nahh now u overexaggerating it i would go to like 1 day of school max
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Lmao yeah
eeeeee3y ago
Fr Votekicks like csgo and if someone gets kicked from your team only they lose the rr
fall2zero3y ago
ok? if its like a 4 stack party dont give toxic warnings to people who end up getting kicked out etc if there is no real downside to being kicked out, then it wouldnt really ruin anything specific, the team thats partied to throw would just be down a player, nothing else now in comp sure i can see the damage there but overall this would be perfect in unrated, where you have to deal with the same people for like an hour straight
Xaith3y ago
how to fix 19x losestreak? like bro ikept geting bad fucking team
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Just get better
Xaith3y ago
half of my matches i'm mvp
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
vul3y ago
To be honest it does mean you are better if you are getting MVP half the time
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
True, if you mvp alot there is of course a skill difference in the elo your in. But you also need to be a team player as he says Some people think just because the duelist is on bottom they suck and they have a right to talk trash
char3y ago
was it comp?
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
i mean if its the instalock duelist sure idc but if its just someone playing duelist..
ceb3y ago
Yes, not typically they "suck" but if they are bottom fragging and also have low assists, They are bad alright? In valorants duelist BIO its literally written "Whom we expect to do high frags"
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
You basically just said they do not suck but they are bad. And yes, but why would you expect a duelist every game to go crazy and pop off. Unless like its a litteral bot like i got a reyna instalock who was new which was dumb
ceb3y ago
We expect duelist to go crazy and pop off because they have things whch can literaly get them more kills than the others, so they bottom fragging makes no sense, for ex if we take raze, it can get tons of kills buy just using her abilities.
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Have you ever had a bad game or do you just go 30-4 every game bruh
ceb3y ago
I have But i wasnt saying that we will tell them that they "suck" we know they suck and even if they are having a bad day still Because of their bad day afterall its destroying games of other 4 ppl
fweiyang3y ago
😂 😂 😂
Doga3y ago
w phoenix
あMika.3y ago
rng matchmaking
3y ago
lmao bro i cant tell u the amt of people who would queue just to kick the random out or how many people would troll and kick others out for no reason
fall2zero3y ago
i wouldnt, i dont see a reason to?
3y ago
cause some ppl would think its funny
fall2zero3y ago
oh thats so funny, cant wait to see their reaction! oh wait, they arent there only real reason would be the reasons like in rainbow six where some person might do a clutch or kick, but at the same time when you can 4 stack unrated, its the same thing? everyone just FFs on a failed clutch and im not saying it should be in comp, thats stupid
Sxlinu3y ago
W Phoenix , Based Player
3y ago
its called imagination lol imagine u were trolling some guy for a hwile and they were kinda mad and then u kicked him
Ape3y ago
some ppl need help...
3y ago
not rlly surrender and kicking is a little diff
michaeldelcrz3y ago
adrian_yan3y ago
@chingchongchong_ I was ur sofa So a Sova L spelling
Wil.entity3y ago
no because if there is 4 toxic ppl, they’ll just remove YOU that’s a valid thing to report them for lmao
Link_o3y ago
i was there
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
i mean i guess they could have an option like in overwatch for not queuing with the same person again but it seems like u just wanna vent not really look for change
Wil.entity3y ago
if you remove someone from matches, the entire match will have to end, ruining it for the enemy team too. you could also get unfairly removed and what if an enemy gets removed when you’re winning
arian3y ago
Imagine coming to a discord which has no in game interaction at all to suggest an in game change
3y ago
marcosneiber3y ago
big fat balls
big fat ballsOP3y ago
report doesnt do shit
Wil.entity3y ago
L i guess

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