Error code VAN 0
Hi , i got a van-0 error every 3-4min , ive reinstall my game 3x , i've restart my pc 3 times. I can't play any games i crash almost every round (I tried everysingle solutions on google / youtube) . Can anyone plz help me ?
24 Replies
Do me a favor and can you firstly try launching valorant with your windows firewall / antivirus off?
allright lemme try i'll tell you in 5 mins if it worked
it didn't tho
Did you try restarting valorant & the riot client?
yeah i tried so many times
Do you guys think if i uninstall ALL the game files like even riot client it will work
Did you try running the riot client as admin?
and vanguard to
oh good idea
wait ill try

didn't worked
Did you try restarting your PC ?
yeh i tried like 20 mins ago
VAN 0 means u have a "Connection Error"
yeh but i think i have a good connection and sometimes but its realy rare my game doesn't crash idk why
ig my only solution is to uninstall everything about riot game XD

Have you tried contacting valorant support?
nope i firstly tried to get helped on discord
Is the error code still VAN 0?
Try valorant support then tbh

Here's the link just incase u need it
For someone who need help too i tried to delete all the files from riot so the vanguard and other stuffs and it didn't worked so i reset my pc and it worked