how to deal with dumb low kill teammates
I seriously need advice on how to deal with dumb low kill teammates. Not only do they not know how to kill enemies well, they also do not listen to advice on how to aim better or how to use abilities. While i get small amounts of RR deducted everytime, I lose more than I win thanks to these people, hence I am hardstruck iron
10 Replies
you can't, don't blame your teammates on your losses (unless they're literally throwing e.g. telling the enemies where you are) the only factor you can control in your games is yourself.
I'm losing because of team diff lol
they get like one figure kill while i get 20-30
even if i lose like just -12 and win +25
2 in 3 its a lose
so like
im stuck there basically
Get a 5 stack or a duo.
many of my friends are high rank
5 stack
yea but isnt that too much difference
get lower rank friends
or friends with similar rank
the lowest my friends are is gold
with the exception of 2
which barely play