Why plat-Dia teamates always have bad mental or toxic, How do I stop it?
I been on a losing streak from diamond 1 to plat 3 because of this, I took a break also but it didn't affect anything at all. I would always be match with these toxic or bad mental people. I tried duo and trio with others in LFG snice I don't have a close friend that's actually play val, it didn't work also. 5 stacking? I did, we won but only once in a while I would do a 5 stack. After val open new act, I havent win once so my rank is not even in the triagle thingy.
Every single day match according to my note,
must have...
-Toxic person
-bad mental
- that one with no comms
- That one that afk
- That one that instalock but buttom frag
- that one that has a good aim but ( toxic )
- 9-3 curse, 12-9 curse - 0-12 or 1-12
- The one that came from hk servers with like 3812478148148 ping
Please give me some good advices
9 Replies
get out of the rank
sorry not a very good adfvice

find a 5 stack
I understand you..i was in a similair position when i was in gold...I think the best way to overcome this is just to improve yourself so much that you can actually carry no matter what
drop to brons! brons are the nicest team mates
Playing with duos, or if u find someone u like party up with them so it removes some toxic people
Focus on one agent and continue learning about them
You cant change the mental of others. Just dont be rude and hype them up after clutches, If they die just say nt and just be like u got it next time yk. Nothing u can do about the shit mentals of others
i tried everything that u said but after the next losing round they went back to bad mental lmao