How long did it take yall to get out of iron?
just curious/may or may not be trying to figure out of being stuck in iron 1 for a month and a half is normal or I'm just really bad lmfao
8 Replies
Didn't place iron but took me 2 acts to get out of silver
Didnt place iron but took me 1 act to get out of gold
2 acts
and bronze/silver lobbies are so much easier
i got out of b1 in a week
idk why ppl get stuck in silver
but diff ppl with diff bad habits, for me particularly it was the sneak shooting habit :/
iron lobbies sucked
too much smurfs
and trollers
once u get out of iron, its easier
Took me 2 years to get out of Plat 😬😬😬😬
I'm winning and holding my own in silver/rare gold lobbies with mates but when I solo queue into iron everything goes to shit, people are either playing for like the first time or throwing
Genuinely easier to rankup playing the silver lobbies than iron