someone has been usin my acc...
pls help im so scared rn, someone has beeen usin my acc without me realising it, its not my friends, its not my family, its someone.... i also never play val with such bad kd

13 Replies
but this is how i play

you got 2FA on or? change ur password of ur valorant account put 2fa on, click the logout on every device on riot website.
oh okok
whats 2fa?
2 factor authentication
it tells if u if somebody logs into ur acc
and it sends a 6 digit code to ur email
sounds good
all set
imagine that same dude can still break in my acc 💀
he probs wont, unless he has your email I believe if you go onto your account on the browser you are able to log off of all devices
So that would log the guy who got your account out as well
dude change ur password asap
is that so..
done all of them edy
ok uhmm
so far
that dude isnt using my acc gladly
That's good, considering the information got changed and you logged out of all places, I doubt they'll be back
just change ur pass, when u change ur pass it logs everyone out of the account