why does my aim suck

how to improve aim, i try to tap with vandal in DM but in unrated and comp and start spraying
7 Replies
aeriel3y ago
Okay idk if this is helpful (please if is say something wrong correct me) but vandal is good for long range so if you have people shooting from a long range, this weapon is good for long range situations (just do taps with vandal from a long range, practice in the range) . Don’t spray with this weapon cause it’s really not meant to spray unless you’re close to a enemy. Phantom is good for close range and spraying around that mostly. But don’t panic and spray right away, sometimes predict where people will push from cause there’s common spots where people will push from. But all in all practice in the range, and if you don’t see improvement. Keep changing the sens to see improvement but lots and lots of practice needs to be there
Belnuga3y ago
try using guns like guardian or sheriff to improve one taps. it works for me
Marcinek3y ago
1. Play DM's (every DM learn you muscle memory and crosshair placement) 2. Train 360* Aim (choose Target 100 and go middle shooting range and try slow-aim headshots (aim and shoot) 3. Use Third-Party Trainner be like Aimlab 4. Learn conter-strafe (so much people on low elo's can't auto strafe on fast move) 5. be patient i used this exercise,but it rather teaches me to master my shooting and respect ammo
Belnuga3y ago
idk but it work on vandal. when i dont warm up with guardian i miss all my shots
Marcinek3y ago
for me conter-strafe is better you can pick and you have more control on picks
Belnuga3y ago
James3y ago

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