got 2 weeks banned for these comms and because of report spam
I'm not even trying to act like I'm a victim but look at my chat comms they are fine.
I ain't talking shit the censored words are numbers and I said "she's on meds" I'm not proud of it but there was an e-couple and one of them was a 12 year old that was just screaming into the mic and I told him to be quiet or talk less then his girlfriends or whatever she's went into all chat and said to report me for abusing chat comms and that I'm racist saying the n word and some other shit
and in the last 3 lines which was another game I was just asking a teammate if he was a male or a female which I don't think is ban able

13 Replies
1. You literally told them to report you for saying the n word
2. You called one person mentally challenged
I'm glad you got banned
yeah as a joke
they were cursing me at comms calling me names
the 12 year old called me the r word
I hope they got banned too
i dont think so
but no chance u think that a 2 weeks ban is the right time
ppl calling me the r word every match and val letting it slide
Send a ticket, because if enough people report you for using a slur they don't check it
i did
as i said got the same automated answer
tbh i do deserve a ban for calling him mentally challanged
a 3-4 days ban i would just shut up maybe a week but this is way too much
and im sure i wont be the only one calling this kid names he was screaming when i was in a 1v2 clutch he was screaming every round he was so annoying that even muting him wont help cuz he was playin with 2 more ppl that were screaming aswell
and i aint muting my all team
ppl saying the n word and being homophobic getting the same ban time as me
@JSN its a game ban as well not a chat restriction
That's how it works. If they let chat banned people queue comp, that's just throwing for everyone else
yeah but why not chat restriction
cuz if im chat restricted i cannot que comp
I don't really see what you're trying to say
that i got a 2 weeks game ban for calling someone a name which he deserved it after he was screaming into the mic the all game instead of me getting a short chat restriction

already sent a ticket and its always the same copy pasted message