How often should I grind deathmatch?

I have heard some people used to grind deathmatch nonstop basically and I was curious how long I should like an hour a day? or 2 not quite sure
16 Replies
3 a day abilities are important to
ASIAN3y ago
Maybe just like one round for a warmup? Depends on how good your aim is. I think deathmatch is mainly for aim practice and getting to know maps. I don't have a lot of time to play so I just do one round.
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
rn its really shit but ive heard some really good players used to do 2-4 hours a day and at a point they didnt have to care about their aim
ASIAN3y ago
I suck at Valorant too. But like, how good do you want to get?
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
something reachable so diamond-ascendant range rn im silver 3 I got good gamesense and mentality just aim holding me back
ASIAN3y ago
Then yeah, I would grind Deathmatch, or possibly get aimlab. How often do you have time to play? You can set aside an hour or two just dedicated to that.
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
I play at least 3 hours a day on week days and like I can play 10 hours on weekends I dont always play that often but on average I play like 5-6 hours on weekends per day
ASIAN3y ago
So maybe an hour on weekdays and 2+ hours on weekends?
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
alr hopefully it will help lol
ASIAN3y ago
Yep! It'll take a while though, just be prepared.
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
yeah I think a month that will be like 36 hours in deathmatch which will 100% help my aim to at least a rank higher
ceb3y ago
I mean, am d1 rn, from p1 in 2 days i reached d, warmup is really important, i usually do 2 dms before each competitive match, one for vandal one for operator, helps alot!
ASIAN3y ago
Oh dang... Yeah maybe space them out over matches then.
Metal3y ago
It depends on how much you play and how good your warmup routine is
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
I could def do that but im just really bad with aim rn nothing else really and its dragging me down so on weekdays i can do just that and then on weekends like an initial one hour ses then 2 rounds before every match
ceb3y ago
yep that wld be cool, also keep watching youtubers because that will help you for game sense

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