error code 152??? ive never ever cheated before
i looked it up and aparently 152 is a ban received for cheating, i've never used cheats or any other third party software... i can't launch valorant
30 Replies
I just got this today D:
I dont cheat but i do be toxic at time lol
valorant bug
everyone has it at the moment
you arent banned dw
ok good
ive spoken to 5 of my friends and several others and they responded that they also received the same problem
I thought i was ban
thank god then
i think there is an Update
what??? i got the error 152 too and it said it was a ban for cheating?
Just a glitch

Ahh so its an update thing thats good bouta say the most i got was a voice chat ban for a week lol
Guess ill go play something else
its fixed now
for me atleast
bruh i just got that error
im banned never cheated before
i got in a game with a cheater on the opposite team 2 days ago but what did i do
mine's still not fixed, i deleted val and currently reinstalling it now, if im still gonna get the 152 error idk what to do anymore
im reainstalling too
can u tell me if urs works cause mine gon take a year
im so sad
it is a bug
wait till fixed
i just got it today so idk how long itll take
hope not that long
its fixed for me
man i got 150 dollars
on that acc
check again
im reinstalling like a dumbass
and my wifi slow
its fixed
ok i hope so
I just realized its either a bug or i actually played with multiple players that were cheating like teleporting to the side a bit from fire when there about to die and idl bout this ine but seemed like wall hacking too or they were just good lol
It coulda rubbed off on my account