can riot explain why this unranked player got into our gold elo and made us lose the game
so this reyna got into our game who is clearly unranked, why is she in our game of golds? yes maybe it might be because she was gold last act but my god, can't riot put unranked golds together with unranked golds (same for other elos)? not with someone who's playing rank up games after getting their rank?
6 Replies
that happen to me
😬 so annoying
Doesn't change anything
this unraked player got in probably because he was gold last act or has a high MMR or something like that i am silver 3 on my ALT and i que with diamonds in ranked
Match making is based purely on MMR, not ranks, i was 5 stackin (2 gold, 3 plats) and got a radiant on opposite team. 💀
Easy loss of rr
and the mood to play more ☠️