Is true streched res bannable?
Whenever I start looking for the answer on the internet, I always come out confused, some people say u can get banned for it, some people say its not bannable...
What do yall think? Can you get banned for it, or 

13 Replies
im 99% sure you cannot get banned for using true streched res
because although it can give you some advantage, im pretty sure the game cant really detect the true stretch. I dont use stretched res personally but an Asc friend of mine has been using true stretched res for a long time and he hasnt gotten banned
yea but if it would be detected in the future, most probably i wont get banned?
if it would somehow be detected i doubt you would get banned
a good chunk of the playerbase use true stretched res and i dont think val would ban you, since it would mean that all true stretched res players should be banned, and riot doesnt want to lose their players
yea, u r kinda right.
thx for the answers and the help
np :D anytime
wdym by chunk lol
none of my friends use stretched rez
are you friends with thousands of players cuz just because you have 5-10 friends you play with that dont use it doesnt mean many other people do
like when covid hit people said it was fake cuz none of their friends had it so it had to be fake
just no reasoning
why so aggro im just saying
i feel like not that many people use stretche
like maybe 1/5
i feel like its less than that
im not tryna be aggro mb
around 22 mill people play val so it makes sense that not everyone or a seeminlgy small amount of people use true stretch
22 mil is just monthly
yeah i guess though
i have like 20 irls that play val
yeah so each month you would have lets say 100,000 or even 50,000 but still thats a lot of people that can spend money on val
tbh yeah ppl who used true stretched prob spend money cuz theyre tryna get an advatntage which means they care somewhat about ebing competitive in the game
whats true stretched res?