Crosshair Problems

My bullets go right side of my crosshair in mid and long range after update? (for vandal)
5 Replies
søren3y ago
they always did this
OneAutumnLeafOP3y ago
Wdym It’s annoying I can’t aim at all
søren3y ago
then use a different gun that doesn't have ass fsa
OneAutumnLeafOP3y ago
Bro Really @soren.all
wyvern3y ago
the vandal had very low first shot INACCURACY it’s too low to notice at far ranges but if ur taking a duel across breeze there is a pretty solid chance the shot won’t hit even though your crosshair is on their head, if it really is the crosshair just remember ur old one and make a different crosshair profile and copy pasta ( don’t export import cuz that might not reset it)

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