I am trying to buy vp with a visa gift card
I am trying to buy vp with a visa gift card but it isnt going through someone please help. I know it has money on it i tried with 2 different activated visa cards and it wont work

8 Replies
I'm not sure how to fix it but I know VISA cards can get bugging sometimes with Val. Maybe wait a few days to try again, restart the client?
Also next time I would get a Valorant gift card. Can you use the Visa card to get a Valorant one?
visa gift cards dont work with riot or valorant cuz its a chinese company, i learned that today lol. If you want to buy valorant points, just use the visa giftcard to buy a valorant giftcard on amazon which is what i did today to buy either ion or reaver karambit i cant decide.
Not really... I used visa giftcards many times and it worked. I dont know why it isnt working for you though.
Visa gift cards should work though. My friends have used them before, they just told me it was buggy.
they worked before for me too but idk why it didnt this time so i just bought it off of amazon
I don't have Val cards in my area
Is it digital code?
amazon giftcards give you a digital code yes
Use Amazon.