33 Replies
does auto clicker get u ban? i mean i have it only for roblox but i never use on val + what can u do w auto clicker in val
Auto clicker is a macro, sometimes macros are used for trigger bots and such others, so yes even if it’s open in the background and you didn’t close it through task manager, you will get banned
how to get my acc back?
You don’t, ur perm banned
Right there it says “this action can not be reversed”
welp looks like i js have to face it
ty for the info tho
Np, you can still make another account UNLESS you are IP banned or HWID banned, but I don’t think u are, if u want to check, make another account and try to play, if u cant then ur either ip or hwid banned
im not ip banned, gladly
the truth is
do i deserve to get ban with this mistake?
did you use the autoclicker
on valrant

what can u even do w the auto clicker in val
Careful, usually cheating accounts come with 4 month HWID ban. Usually it bans u if u play on a new account and same device in a week or so
Might be that it was running in the background, or if it was built in to ur mouse
U could try support but most likely if ur account isn't hacked they won't do shit
I got unbanned by a dev on Twitter
is there by chance
u could help me?
whats HWID?
Hardware ban basically. It bans ur account in usually a week if ur playing on a banned device. It's usually 4 months
Try to reach out to support and make tickets
i did
If they decline, keep going
i wll
they decline me once
ill keep doing it
do i?
If u make about 10-20 tickets and they decline all of them I think u should just contact a dev somehow
If u never cheated, u should be fine but u would have to contact a dev
how to contact a dev
I had a mouse that has a macro in it, I got banned for that
sorry... im not capable of these
Twitter usually
oh tragic
will do
u should try support first as devs take like 1 month to respond
ill try do whatever i can
\contact the dev on twitter and send tickets
sound good?
Could take a while, so be patient
sorry but
i js made myself a twitter acc
how to contact? heehee...
Uh if you just made a Twitter account, tuff
Usually people don't respond to new accounts
I can't help u from here
all I recommend is reaching out to devs and contact support
oh nvm
got it
i tweeted valorant
i think we shld call it a day
i hope u dont mind me dming u if i need help
U could just contact me here