Should I stick to 800DPi at 0.68 sens?

I made it From Iron 3 to Plat 1 with this sens but as far as i watch, i would do the hardest flicks but miss the easiest shots, should I go low sens despite making it to plat with it all the way?
6 Replies
Metal3y ago
yeah you can even top players change their sens just avoid changing it too much and avoid playing ranked at that time also
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Only reason I use 0.68 is because of my small mouse space, when I use 0.68, i'm able to swing my mouse at a decent speed compared to 0.23 where everything feels extremely slow. I just don't know whether should i stick to 0.68 or what not because I like it
Metal3y ago
no one is saying you to go as down as 0.23 0.68 is a high sens if you can lower it down you shoul
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Are there any high sens pros that I should take note of? I'm just struggling at the part of micro adjusting as either my brain would freeze and I won't move my mouse at all at a tiny pixel to the right or I would swing and overshot by 1 pixel off.
Metal3y ago
these are the only pros who play above/ close to your sens
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Deleted UserOP3y ago
Ah alright thanks

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