Should I stick to 800DPi at 0.68 sens?
I made it From Iron 3 to Plat 1 with this sens but as far as i watch, i would do the hardest flicks but miss the easiest shots, should I go low sens despite making it to plat with it all the way?
6 Replies
yeah you can
even top players change their sens
just avoid changing it too much
and avoid playing ranked at that time also
Only reason I use 0.68 is because of my small mouse space, when I use 0.68, i'm able to swing my mouse at a decent speed compared to 0.23 where everything feels extremely slow.
I just don't know whether should i stick to 0.68 or what not because I like it
no one is saying you to go as down as 0.23
0.68 is a high sens
if you can lower it down you shoul
Are there any high sens pros that I should take note of? I'm just struggling at the part of micro adjusting as either my brain would freeze and I won't move my mouse at all at a tiny pixel to the right or I would swing and overshot by 1 pixel off.
these are the only pros who play above/ close to your sens

Ah alright thanks