ascendant lobbies in silver3..

im hardstruk
141 Replies
smart3y ago
play unrated and learn the mechanics
tactiOP3y ago
you miss the point i have a high enough value to get into ascendant i just cant get out of silver cause all the people i get into a team with are fucking dogshi
Azhar3y ago
Sounds a lot like you're the problem rather than them You can't just always blame your team even though sometimes that is the case
tactiOP3y ago
ok match MVP playing as sage doing what im supposed to do every game all my teammates are negative majority of my games if its not a bad day im match MVP i genuinely cannot get out of silver
Azhar3y ago
I guess the only thing you can do is just keep playing until your MMR evens out
! mk
! mk3y ago
i mean first of all you mental is dogshit never gonna fix anything if all you do i yell at your teamates focus on yourself ignore what your teamates do
JSN3y ago
Have fun and keep playing. If you're not having fun you're not going anywhere. You can't control all 5 players keyboards
NKplayz3y ago
Try to work together as a team ask for util and peek with a teammate and make sure to communicate if ur not already
carsten3y ago
Bro got one match mvp as sage in 15 games and is using it as a point lmaooo
tactiOP3y ago
lets see your history
carsten3y ago
No description
3y ago
bro hes rad #48 NA and he peaked #1 dont even try to disrespect rn ur silver calm all that down
tactiOP3y ago
did i ask you
3y ago
bro ur name is harry the destroyer and uve been in silve rfor 8 acts shut up
tactiOP3y ago
your names Star
3y ago
LMFAO good one
tactiOP3y ago
I dont care?
JSN3y ago
This attitude is why you're silver tbh
carsten3y ago
i have a slight feeling harry the destroyer is worse than star slight feeling
3y ago
tactiOP3y ago
carsten3y ago
bro thinks everyone around him is lower than silver 3
3y ago
carsten3y ago
fax i shit on tenz on the daily 🥱
! mk
! mk3y ago
dude if your good enough for acs you shouldent be HARDSTUCK silver Dont you rhink you shpuld be match mvp 40 kills every game?
3y ago
Gio3y ago
I’m asc rn almost immo and silver lobbies are the easiest thing .. if you deserve asc then you should be able to absolutely stomp on enemy team every game and win every single game in that elo just sayin id work on improving your mental, find a duo/trio that you can have fun and get along with gl bud
aqfvo3y ago
i started 4 weeks ago and im shitting on silversd fuck is this guy on bro extra shit disease
PocketBrush3y ago
Going through community help is fucking hilarious
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Unfortunately I'm going through the same thing with bad teammates etc, but i think you really just need to focus on yourself while playing comp if you have terrible teammates. Focus on one skill and just keep comms muted if they are toxic. And as the others said if your good enough for ascendent it shouldnt be too hard to get out
Visi3y ago
Honestly, I had the same problem. I've been hard stuck Silver for 2 -3 acts and I've been match MVP most of my games and entering my team onto site, and shit. This was all in Silver - Gold lobbies so I started playing on another account I got placed in Gold. This is when I started ranking up and almost got to plat because my teammates actually had a similar skill level... I'm not really a high rank to say this, but if you want to get out of silver, try to have fun and get along with others. If you piss off your teammates it ruins your whole teams mental and then you'll just end up losing...
NKplayz3y ago
Just stack with people you know can do well That's what I did to get plat Atleast one other person so you can set up each other for plays
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Yes, some people really do not understand that mental in low elo is legit the most valuable thing to keep. If you say one thing like "your garbage omen" they just throw Its crazy
JSN3y ago
If you call people trash, they will play like trash. Try to gas up your team for all the things they do right, and they'll do it more often.
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Yeah, some teammates have bad games and not talking trash helps
JSN3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
lmao its lil frustrating
3y ago
Faxxx no cap faxxx no cap no cap on a stack 💵 💸 💸 📠 nnot my fault ur quadruple negative
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
JSN3y ago
3y ago
so basically what i maen by that is u call people trash becaus ethey go quadruple negative and there is nothing i can do about it whenu are quadurple negative
Doctor Blocker
Statistically you can’t blame ur teammates for every game bro. Maybe some games here and there. Also MVP doesn’t mean shit u could bait ur team and get kills. Teamwork. Comms. Mentality.
Jake_Hoang3y ago
you deserve to be in Silver, stop complaining and learn to get better
Toastie3y ago
i learns the op's mesages and it kinda sounds like ur just crying too much and u deserve at max gold if ur rly good but bronze with this mental
3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
oh ig yep
tactiOP3y ago
ok, when i play jett im first to entry and make space for my team to plant and im usually first to die in most cases because i do what im supposed to, when i play sage which is most of the time i stick by my team healing and attacking defending aswell what else am i supposed to do
3y ago
theres no shot ur teammates are ass everygame if u lose everygame the common denominator would be u lmao
Doctor Blocker
I wouldn’t play that position if you don’t trust your teammates to trade your entry. Play a position where u can trade ur teammates
JSN3y ago
adapt. dont entry for a team thats not gonna make use of it, for example. the biggest skill you have to learn in this game is how to adapt.
tactiOP3y ago
adapt to the dudes that literally scream at me to entry and then stand there doing nothing
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
head tap them all litterally and mute comms
yorumain3y ago
i have this same problem, im stuck in silver 1 and i know my mental is awful when i watch my teammates how can i improve this?
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
When your having a horrible day just dont talk or type in chat And try to find a duo instead of seeing terrible solo que temmates
3y ago
lmao if ur having a horrible day just dont play at all wtrf dont just queue to give 0 comms
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
True but if you know your gonna get tilted And wanna play
gavin3y ago
if ur good eneough to be ascendant then just keep playing and work on urself and youll climb but you can have 30 kills and lose and its still ur fault
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
@tacti heres a thought. Your bad. Mvping doesnt mean ur good
Michael3y ago
you cannot! they affect you in some way or another @tacti i have an idea, just make a new account, grind your way up to level 20, play all your 5 placement again or wait for this episode to be over
bird3y ago
fr lmao half the post is just people telling OP hes the problem. not sure what OP expected from his first reply... this post is still funny asf
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
But the thing is, if he has potential for ascendent he shouldn't even be here rn Lmao Just play ig till mmr equals out
gavin3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
bird3y ago
troll post?
ASIAN3y ago
I think
3y ago
is he not tho like what an asc hardstuck in silver because of "teammates" every single game 💀 good one
tactiOP3y ago
Okay if thats the case why do i get put in ascendant lobbies every game
Plague3y ago
Tip for everyone who plays in ranked just get a duo
3y ago
Plague3y ago
then you can get easily out of a rank
3y ago
yeah u'll lose legit like 3 rr if ur silevr in asc 💀
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
How does that work bruh Are you five stacking You can't solo q or duo as a silver then get ascendent in your game And you only lose like 5 rr bro
tactiOP3y ago
no my rating is just high i get ascendants in my unranked lobbies and for some reason i get either diamond/ascendants in my ranked games
etha3y ago
proof u said every game right lemme seeeee
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
oh strange wait this whole time youve been talking ab unrated lobbies you gotta be joking bro
tactiOP3y ago
no i literally said ranked
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
"i get ascendants in my unranked lobbies"
3y ago
! mk
! mk3y ago
harry best comidian
Doctor Blocker
“Ascendant lobbies in S3” lmfao. Tbh I’d try to get a coach/someone a lot better than u to watch your gameplay and give you tips. But it does sound like a skill issue
quixote3y ago
screenshot of lobbies would help
ASIAN3y ago
Maybe show us some proof?
Shugi3y ago
just play reyna or chamber
Gio3y ago
he’s trolling lmao there has never been a silver in an ascendant lobby literally ever no matter how good their mmr is.. maybe 5 stack but it is still very rare
3y ago
no proof gg
! mk
! mk3y ago
troll post
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
This guy is getting bullied by all of us Lmao
Visi3y ago
Personally I would just create a new account and get put in a good rank
spooder3y ago
ah shit here we go again
induur3y ago
Skill issue get guud probably have shitty game sense
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
3y ago
everything below immo just train mechanics
ASIAN3y ago
okay. auto lock Reyna and crouch with spectre. done
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
game sense literally lmao worst advice ive ever heard at least autolock chamber lmao this kid is probably bad and reyna is about the player
obloooo3y ago
valorant is a 5v5 game u cant act like your the one carrying the team try to include ur teammates in more plays
Emog3y ago
Harry thinks he has ascendant value but can’t even hit plat on his girlsip
ASIAN3y ago
I mean in silver it actually works well. but I was half joking.
mtakina3y ago
bro just get better then you can win without your teammates sorry bad advice
reiner3y ago
bruv your attidute is worst then a plat getting tiltied tilted
bird3y ago
why is everyone still commenting on this post? theres like no difference between saying something 10 times and saying something 20 times. they get the point lol. and this is most likely a troll post, not sure if people actually think hes being serious
3y ago
tbh idk if its a troll post or not but im still trolling them either way
Horizon3y ago
Lmao @tacti find yourself a reliable duo And just instalock reyna Its sliver If u claim u match mvp as sage Then jus lock reyna
Plague3y ago
lol this is still here
Horizon3y ago
Ya Im bored aaf Asf
bird3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Tbh its jus hard because no matter how hard you carry you still lose lol its a team game
3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
you would think right i dropped a 49-18 went all the way to 15 ot and still lost bc i got bad teammates lol
3y ago
smurf harder if u dont drop 80 ur not doing enough fr
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
oh mbmb ur right drop a 80 ez win
3y ago
carsten3y ago
Guys plz help I went 87-13 and still lost Tms are so bad :(((((( I’ve been hardstck iron since act 2
3y ago
ADD ME i duo with u im person like u drop 80-150 kills evry game and still lose bc of ass teamate and now im hardstucks
carsten3y ago
I deserve radiant #1 I played with a radiant and he said I’m better than tenz (real)
3y ago
Add me if u want to duo im hardstuck tho TRACKER STATS FOR: Star#iron 0 W - 459 L | Win%: 0.00 | Kills: 44394 Deaths: 1915 | K/D: 27.49 Current Act Rank: Iron 1 (Episode 6 Act 3) Peak Act Rank: Iron 2 (Episode 4 Act 2) @rk9024 post ur tracker stat so i know who im duo with
carsten3y ago
3y ago
if u want duo with me
carsten3y ago
TRACKER STATS FOR: Evo#Rad1 0 W - 524 L | Win%: 0.00 | Kills: 59482 Deaths: 2056 | K/D: 28.93 Current Act Rank: Iron 1 (Episode 6 Act 3) Peak Act Rank: Iron 2 (Episode 2 Act 3)
3y ago
rip teammate ass we can duo tho probably willwin
carsten3y ago
Ya 😭 Wanna play tonight
3y ago
I add u after my school (13 am est) ye ye
carsten3y ago
I can finally see bronze 🥹
3y ago
🫡 🫡 🫡 🫡 🥹 ;i only got one competitive win in my life ever on that game i gain 178 rr that how i peak iron 2
carsten3y ago
valorant placed me in Iron 2 when I started and then i derank :(((
3y ago
xelekcs🧯3y ago
no bro, it just seems that you just play for stats, not for the win I know many people with this issue just drop your ego and play with team not for the stats because you are as good as your worst player this is how team games work just try to support your team more
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
only 150? bro get on my level 500 kills at LEAST each comp game 150 is like going negative bruh wait is that real your not actually iron right <a:TH_PepeCringe2:894176511630929962>
Horizon3y ago
No description
Horizon3y ago
actual npcs on my team
I feel the same way except for im in B2 and get plat enemies the best advice I can give you is to try to boost moral because good morals make good games
kalbé3y ago
skill issue i got boosted to bronze from iron 1 lmao i feel you
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
stop the cap indeed thats the mentality of every valo player ;D Just drop 50 bombs in your game and you will climb
X҉ Caliard
X҉ Caliard3y ago
before Ascendant came out i was Diamond 1 and i queued with silver players who were playing as good as me even better, after Ascendant came out all of them got atleast into Plat. The fact that u are even hardstuck silver after Ascendant came out means that ur just not good enough and not ur teammates. i hate people who blame everything on their teammates but in reality they are just dogshit themselves, if you think ur playing elite every round why didnt you sent ur history once?
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
I dont see a 50 bomb so u were a npc aswell..
Horizon3y ago
my bad
shone3y ago
same with me, i always get diamonds in my lobbies but it wont let me queue with them unless 5 stacked im gold 3 atm
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
I legit just qued a diamond 3 in my 5 stack and i litterally went 30-14 bro was garbage @tacti jus get better lmao
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
Diamond and asc is the new Platin
Fimdim3y ago
I'm sorry fam
3y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Fr like how u gonna be bronze 2 w a diamond boost and still lose

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