no words tbh
this just happens every match i get tped randomly even tho 120 ping is normal 

29 Replies
and sometimes my agent model becomes completely invisible
idk why
display ping and packet loss
you probably drop a lot of packets
alright let me see

my ping is like 115 - 120 avg
heres like a clip showing the packet graph
Yeah you are losing a lot of packets
How come you have 120ms if you are living in Germany.. ? Playing on US servers ?
im on eu servers idk tbh
this is my ping'

Are you playing on WIFI ?
Well there is an issue with your internet connection or your computer...
120ms on EU server while being in EU is not normal
im from germany but i live in the middle east
as of rn'
i dont live in germany
Ok so you aren't living in Germany lol.
but i wasnt experiencing this before
my ping was like around 70 and no packet loss
so idk why my ping strikes to 120 now and huge packet losses
contact riot, they will assist you
this also happens on bahrain servers btw
alright thanks
give them the tracert
How to Use Tracert to Obtain Network Logs
Looking to obtain some network logs? Sounds like Tracert can help. You might be wondering—but S.A.M., what is Tracert? Fortunately, I have created a guide that will tell you exactly what Tracert is...
add the file to the support ticket
but it's probably a routing issue
could be your router, or could be a router in the path
do i enter my ip
How to Use Tracert to Obtain Network Logs
Looking to obtain some network logs? Sounds like Tracert can help. You might be wondering—but S.A.M., what is Tracert? Fortunately, I have created a guide that will tell you exactly what Tracert is...
or the ip thats shown in the forum
follow what they say

this thing
just read the link pls...

yeah mb
i filed a ticket with the tracert and rrt