why cant i play with my plat friend
the brother was plat and the ironradiant was gold

4 Replies
he need to be g2 to play with p2
I have been in a game with a plat 2 as a silver 3
have they finish their placements
if not then you have to complete it first
you can queue with anyone no matter what the rr is, they just have to be either 1 rank below or above you. for example, if you were silver, you would only be able to queue with people in your party that are bronze-gold. they should finish their placements first, and then when you can see their current rank it should be clear if they can queue with you or not
this isnt true
well if they weren't in your party or 5stack, than your hidden mrr is really high or theirs is really low. Riot only allows people with any rank to queue with each other in five stacks, disregarding the limits of rank disparity