how do i buy my friend a skin

i lost a bet i made with my friend and he won so i gotta buy him a skin but im in singapore and hes in the philipines can a singapore val gc even work for him if his acc was made in the philipines cuz i dont think if i also use razergold to buy a code to give him it wont work
3 Replies
Kenz3y ago
You can try codashop Or Log into his acc
James3y ago
Logging into other peoples accounts would violate the terms of service. The best option would be to gift them the money to buy a skin or buy a game gift card.
pickleOP3y ago
codashop requires a credit card sadly and im 14 so i dont have one which is why i usually buy the valorant gc for myself or razergold gc to use and buy stuff on other games but i dont know if i were to buy a singaporean valorant giftcard , would it still work cuz hes in the philipines and not singapore and also think the acc was made in the philipines i tried the other time too using razergold and gave the code to my friend thats in hongkong but the code didnt work and i ended up using it on my acc

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