RR problem, I just cant get out of plat this way
Guys I have a problem, I get 17 rr and lose 20-22 every game how tf can I ever rank up out of Plat this way :|
54 Replies
game thinks u should be lower ranked based on ur mmr. keep winning and it will slowly creep up
I just won 3 in a row, all the the games I got 17 rr :p
mmr moves slower. keep going
Match MVP 17 rr đ

Opponents are lower rank?
I just checked, enemy was gold 1, 2 plat 1, 3 and 1 unranked
then there's your reason ^-^
i recommend getting a duo / trio
my team was 2 plat 1 2 gold 2's
I was playing as a trio haha
then ig you really have no choice đŚ

Overant and the Feet guy is the trio
well unless you get overrant out of gold
i dont think you'll get higher RR + sooner or later xD
unless he starts popping off like crazy
He doesnt xD
xd welp ig you just have to enjoy the game hehehe instead of trying to get higher RR each time you win
im so in consistent
nothing fun about it
sad, if you want to be consistent I recommend like taking a one day break each week đ
Hm alr alr
this is what I meant with inconsistent tho

look at the games and my kd xD
mine isnât any better man. You just gotta power through it

previous to this win streak iwas gaining 12-17 and losing 20-23
At least ur having a positive kd besides that 1 game
probably because of this

U good?
ok man hear me out
that was 2 days ago
earlier today (24th) i won a bunch and got back up
im sane i swear
I was 1 game away from D1 and went on a insane losing streak now im low P3 with sometimes a drop to P2
ay man just get a duo
ez pz
The game wants to see me bad because I get 15 rr if I win and lose 30 if Iose
Got one we won like 4/5 games I think
rr gain depends on how close the game was
if the game was 13-10 youâd gain something like 14-16
but if it was 13-5 you would gain 18-22
varies depending on mmr of course
but you get the point
Ahh oke oke
so easiest way to get rr.. win games by a landslide
good luck i guess
:| im not that guy you know
But thanks xD
ay man im not either but it can happen
you got this
i got it 6 win streak

finnaly after 1,5 act xd
i went back on a losing streak of 4
back to plat
hate this game fr
fr man
iv been playin for long i can say riot shl fix rr system s
in the startin you coudnt even see your rr points đ
they shl give more rr on winstreaks or smth like that
Im out of diamond
4 lose streak xd
out of diamond
8 lose streak, even after taking breaks
here I got promoted to diamond

this is me bnow

lmaoo same frfr
I might as well ask here. what is mmr?
Unbalanced matchmaking
that for sure

I had more 1v5's this game then team fights