Valorant ranked matchmaking..

how the hell is this a thing? its unbelieveable. everytime im one gane before a rsnk up, no matter what rank, i suddendly get the worst lobbies possible. ive been stuck b3 since months now, and i just needed 28 rr for finally s1. i get a lobby where everyone, team and enemy team is under 10/10 and that one reyna is 28/2. 28/2 !! WHY THE FC IS THIS A THING YOU COULDNT MAKE THE WHOLE RANKED SYSTEM WORSE ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN ANYTHING NOW I CAN PLAY FOR 30 MOTE HOURS UNTIL IM AGAIN 1 MATCH BEFORE A RANK UP. this game is genually worse than fortnite, and apparently noone can change anything about it, trust me u woulf have double the players u have now if u would make your stupid system a bit more logic.
2 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Relax man, find a party to play with so you could climb easier
!3y ago
chill out. first dont blame your teamates, your ego can affect other people and make them play worse. just focus on yourself and dont let anyones kd affect how YOU play

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