val 7 error need help
i have val7 error: here is what i tried: reinstall Vanguard, flushDNS, do a clean start pc, off my firewall and antivirus. i still have this error. does anybody can help me?
23 Replies

i read this but idk what is wrong with my account i created it like 3 days ago
submit a ticket
ok i'll try
Run the game as an administrator
in the the instalation folder?
Click ur windows key on ur keyboard and search valorant
Then there should be a button that says run as administrator
If that doesn’t work tell me
i'll try
like this?

I can’t read that
If it says run as administrator then yes
yes, i tried but it doesn't work
same error
Are you on windows 11
Or 10
Do you use a vpn
Have you sent a ticket to riot
So I think you just wait for a response
i think that will work