26 Replies
wrong chat
Besides being in the wrong chat, i'll just answer the question since it's already here anyways.
1. Crosshair Placement
2. Game Sense
3. When to be aggressive in game and when not to be
4. Learn to be greedy and learn to be disciplined
5. Communicate with your team
6. Get a duo (optional, in my opinion its easier to get a duo who's good but in the same rank as you so that both of you can improve and learn from both of your mistakes)
7. Get a better PC (This is optional but its quite helpful, since stronger PC + higher FPS and higher Hz of monitor can give some advantages for some people)
This is just my opinion. This doesn't mean it applies to everyone who isn't hard stuck at bronze
what you are saying is kinda true bc if you have duo and you know how to play the agent on that map well its much easier to win
the pc part boosted my rank, went from iron to gold
I have everything upto 6th place
I am hardstuck B3
I 5 stacked into platinum lobby once took sage and got 20 kills
I only solo que no good duos
I want to get out oof bronze
umm... if u got game sense and aim, prob should be out of bronzr alr tbh
work on crosshair placement + get a duo/trio to play comp with
perhaps you do have them but its not polished. So I suggest like you keep practicing them like going into deathmatch for example and with only a sheriff and only aiming for the head, watch replays of your own clips, etc.
the reason I am hardstuck is because of noob teammates
Thats partially a reason, but I don't think just because you have noob teammates doesnt mean you can't get out of a rank.
For example, if your skill is for a platinum player, I think you'll be able to climb out of that rank in like 1 week
whats happens is they instalock duolists and force me to take other
when I instalock duolist they pick 3 or 2 more duolists despite telling them
they don't co operate with me they won't listen no planning
no game sense no comms
they just come to ruin my match and
this is the reason I am hardstuck
1.try to master some agents so if someone is using your main, you have the advantage to lock another
2.Crosshair placement
3.Reaction timing
4.Practice hard mode range
5. Game sense
6. Dont be toxic in chat or u will play bad instead
7.get a damn duo, trios will make u fail
8.when to be aggressive in matches and when to not
9.push in (def or atk) in the right time do not just instantly push well it depends how aggressive you are
10. Pls do not do more than 4 comps per day it can cause you to be more tired and might even lack gamesense or reactions if you are
11. Definetly warm up properly maybe try 1 unrated 1 deathmatch or even range that works
This is how to climbed my rank lol but its my own perspective haha you don't have to actually follow
well i dont think bad teammates are a problem, i mean i solo queued my way out of bronze lmao
can we act see ur val tracker?
>.< I solo queued my way out of Gold
Which is the hell elo for me tbh
since 9/10 games has like a smurf
based on my experience
what rank r u now
Peek rank Immortal
im gold rn
Oooo icic
@pandadepanda but i alr deleted val haha
hahahah im actually on the verge of quitting xd
i am ascendant1 and i tell you to stop playing game cuz its fucking garbage
XD Somewhat like that, I only play it now once someone invites me or i need to pass time