rank gun buddy and deranking

I just reached ascendant for the first time, will I still get the gun buddy even if I demote to diamond, plat etc?
12 Replies
Metal3y ago
King Canute
King CanuteOP3y ago
If I reached immo in act 1 but then somehow I ended up in dia in act 3, do I still get the immo gun buddy at the end of the episode?
Metal3y ago
Yes It's about your peak rank
King Canute
King CanuteOP3y ago
I see, thank you.
how do you get rank buddys ?
Howen3y ago
every end of season, you'll receive the gun buddy of the rank you peaked
Exolation3y ago
At the start of the new episode that is. And give it some time, sometimes theyre a bit late
Howen3y ago
at the start of the new season, yeah.. not act at each new season (not act), you will receive the gun buddy of the highest rank you hit at the previous one, that's what I meant
Metal3y ago
just say episode instead of season
Exolation3y ago
Time to hit d1 for 1 game and derank right after
2hurus3y ago
at the end of every episode you get the gun buddy of the highest rank you once reached and it doesnt matter even if you get demoted later
Panda3y ago
yes. You get the gun buddy of your highest rank achieved within the Episode / Act ^-^

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