my account still banned =(
my message already replied by val support, and wait for 48 hrs to see the new reply but nothing changed to my acc :(
61 Replies
they said to reply back after 48 hours so you should do that
see the date message
have u replied to them after that?
Oct 18
what did they say
i got new reply
they say this
How was your ticket handling experience with Riot Games?
Just wait then nothing u can do at the moment
You just spoke to Mamba:
How satisfied are you with Mamba's services?
and rating below the message
Whatchu get banned for
third-party software ban
U hacked?
for what
How ik I'm not the one banned
Asking u
Riot don't ban for no reason, did ur account get used by someone else?
idk too
i just use raw accel
and it says raw accel is not bannable
Raw accel from windows settings?
I use raw accel from mouse settings in window it's not bannabke
What app
Raw Acceleration
It's allowed
i cant play val anymore :(
i think i got hwid ban
U sure u didn't use anything else?
Then u definitely used something u shouldnt have
its not exactly 48 hours when it comes to smth like that give it an extra day
My friend got hwid and perm ban and said he didn't hack but the software on his account
should i wait to the new reply?
software in his account?
ye just wait theyre probably kinda busy so give them some time
I'll wait
They won't forget la
Just chill for now
nyeh got ban when the update start
If u got hwid ban don't logon to other accounts if not they also get ban
yes sir
i already did
Those other accounts can also get banned
3 account got banned lmao
It's ban evasion
Did u not read the message riot gave u
Hope it's not ur friends account
I'll wait a day..
or no more valorant
well, im okay my acc got banned
i havent buy vp too 😂
Lol I'm pretty sure u hacked and ur denying it but if u aren't then oof all the best
Riot doesn't issue hwid bans for no reason
Even regular hacks don't always get hwid
whats hwid
Hardware id
Hardware id
Ur computer parts
Flagged by the system's serger
If u login to other accounts unaffected, they get detected ur using the banned PC parts
And u get the ban
So if this guy used his friends accounts to login and got then banned
welp ill wait dude
time to chill now

i got banned for that too but i dint hack also
yea maybe because of that as i had my gta 5 hacks for like 4 month alr
?? gta hacks are not considered 3rd party software
It’s in my file
my friend was lying about not hacking he had valorant hacks in his computer
And I asked one of the riot mod from this server
so ur saying that only gta hacks out of everything is considered 3rd party software?
He said it’s bannable
nothing else in ur computer got u banned?
alright wtv u say
I only got gta cheats
But like
They anyhow ban us
No evidence